1. Change logo

To change logo for your app go to your rn_oreo unzipped folder and then navigate to this folder: src/assets/images and find these image files which are in .PNG format

  • logo-dark.png
  • logo-dark@2x.png
  • logo-dark@3x.png
  • logo.png
  • logo@2x.png
  • logo@3x.png

Replace them with your own logo and clean cache by running: yarn start --reset-cache Run your app and you logo should be visible now!

2. Change Splash screen

Replace all images with same size in folder android/app/src/main/res/drawable-*

3. Change images Onboarding Screen

To change onboarding - get started images for your app go to your rn_oreo unzipped folder and then navigate to this folder: src/assets/images/getting-start and find these thre image files which are in .PNG format replace these three images with your own, keep the size of each file;

  • get-start-1.png
  • get-start-2.png
  • get-start-3.png

Clean cache by running: yarn start --reset-cache Remove your app from emulator and run the app again and your getting start images should be visible now!